Saturday, January 23, 2010


Yesterday I moved into my homestay. All of the families came to our hotel and waited there as we were paired up with them by CIEE. My senora is named Araceli. She is very nice. She has four grown children of her own, and 6 brothers and sisters. This semester, I and another girl from Madison are living with her. She has two cute bedrooms set up for us. For lunch she has been making fabulous things, and really healthy too! Lunch is the most important, and largest meal here, and we eat around 3pm. Yesterday we had a soup, and then garbanzo beans with four different types of meat on top and carrots and squash. Today we had soup again, and then mashed cauliflower (cauliflores here) with lots of garlic! It is very good. My two week intensive language course begins on Monday at the school that is very near my flat.
Last night we walked the streets of downtown, the old part, of Sevilla. Here people go to bars that are in plazas and order drinks then just all hang out in the plaza with friends. You can see people of every age here, even bebes! The night was beautiful!
Today it was raining a lot, but we toured Los Reales Alcazares. THis is a group of buildings that are ancient...meaning that some of them were built by the Arabs in the 10th century. They are amazing! Other parts of it are more modern, and by modern I mean the most recent one was built in the 1500's. I am going to post pictures of all of this for your viewing enjoyment! Miss you all!


  1. sounds and looks like you are having fun! Hope you got over the jet lag (I think it is worse when you travel east).

  2. Alex, It looks like you are having a good time....other than eating that fish!!!!

