Thursday, January 21, 2010

El Primer Dia

Hola! I am safely to Sevilla and going through the 2 day orientation that the program has in place for us. We have met everyone in charge last night and now today toured the city. Later on we have interviews to test the strength of our Spanish orally. Then tonight, we are going to a Flamenco show!
Tomorrow we will move into our homestays and meet our Senoras. I have a roomate living with me and my Senora. Sevilla looks a lot like Florida, palm trees, bushes with flowers, and orange trees lining the street ( but my guide said not to eat them because they are very sour).
There are 90 people in my program, mostly from the midwest, so we are loving the tropical weather. It is around 60 degrees farenhiet today and the Sevillanos are wearing winter jackets!
Hope all is well with you at home, until I post again, nos vamos!

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